Make the fun easy with our

Deals and events

Bowl and Blast

2 Games of Laser Tag, and a round of bowling

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Gelly Time

One Hour of Gelly Ball!
4 Hoppers included per player
Extra hoppers $5, Min of 8 Guests

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Early Bird

Discounted bowling for the first hour of the day!
In the weekend and school holidays

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Date Night

Bowling, Arcade Tokens and some food and drinks to share.
Save $20

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Family Pass Bowling

2 Adults and either 2 or 3 kids.
Throw in some chips as well to feed the family!

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Corporate Packages

Awesome Corporate rates, including attractions arcades and drink tokens.
Starting from $35, must be prebooked


Weekly Deals

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2 for $20 Fridays

2 Games of Bowling for $20 on Friday

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Sunday Special

$45 for a private lane per hour (max 6 per lane)
Sunday night 5 -Close.

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Social Night Laser Tag

3 Hours of Laser Tag on Sunday Night (Family Friendly!)
Sunday Night 5 - 8 PM

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After Dark

Unlimited Laser Tag, and first drink included; a great way to end your day.
Thursday - Saturday Night 7 - Late

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12 awesome Lanes, max of 6 players per lane.

Under 18, you’re a youth.

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Pricing Youth/Adult

One Game Youth
One Game Adult

Two Games Youth
Two Games Adult

Under 5 Bowling
$9 a game

Laser Tag

Laser Tag for up to 20 guests, games are 12 min in length

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One Game

Two Games


Gelly Ball

Gelly Ball for up to 20 guests, round are 5 min in length, but for each game you get two rounds!

Button Styling

One Game

Two Games


1,2,3 Let's party


Bowling Party

2 Games of Laser Tag, and a round of bowling

Gelly Time

One Hour of Gelly Ball!
4 Hoppers included per player
Extra hoppers $5, Min of 8 Guests

Early Bird

Discounted bowling for the first hour of the day!
In the weekend and school holidays

Date Night

Bowling, Arcade Tokens and some food and drinks to share.
Save $20

Family Pass Bowling

2 Adults and either 2 or 3 kids.
Throw in some chips as well to feed the family!

Corporate Packages

Awesome Corporate rates, including attractions arcades and drink tokens.
Starting from $35, must be prebooked

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